Your partner of choice for a new career

Founded in 2001, MON+ is an agency specialized in the placement of healthcare workers. We are dedicated to providing quality services and an exceptional human approach.

Photo of healthcare professionals working for a healthcare placement agency

Latest job offers

Expanded role nurse training | Become a nurse in an expanded roleRégions nordiques
Registered nurse – Non-remote regionsCapitale-Nationale
Registered nurse – Remote regionsAbitibi-Témiscamingue
Nurse in an expanded roleRégions nordiques


  • Bas-Saint-Laurent
  • Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
  • Charlevoix
  • Gaspésie
  • Abitibi-Témiscamingue
  • Chaudière-Appalaches
  • Côte-Nord
  • Estrie
  • Laurentides
  • Mauricie-et-Centre-du-Québec
  • Outaouais
  • Baie-James
  • Montérégie
  • Lanaudière
Photo of Quebec's regions with map

Northern regions

  • Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James
  • Basse-Côte-Nord
  • Baie d’Hudson
  • Baie d’Ungava
Photo of Quebec's northern regions with a map


  • Baffin (Qikiqtaaluk)
  • Kivalliq
  • Kitikmeot
Photo of Nunavut with a map

The regions we cover don’t stop here!

We’re always ready to expand our horizons. We are open to fullfil other health needs across Canada, as well as in expanded roles elsewhere in the province.

Types of positions available

We dispatch mainly nurses and other healthcare specialists throughout the province of Quebec.

If your dream job isn’t posted and you think it might be relevant to us, send us your application.

  • Registered nurse
  • Nurse in an expanded role
  • Medical technologist
  • Respiratory therapist
  • Social worker
  • And even more…

Find a job with MON+

Just 3 steps

First step in applying for our healthcare jobs

Send us your resume

Do you see yourself in action and want to develop professionally and personally?

Send us your CV for a specific position or for an open application.

Second step in applying for our healthcare jobs

We chat and we meet

If your profile matches the criteria we’re looking for, we’ll contact you to begin the recruitment process.

We’ll schedule an interview (in person or remotely) to get to know you, and finish by checking your references.

Third step in applying for our healthcare jobs

When do we start

Together, we plan your orientation and your first assignment so that you feel comfortable in every facet of your work.

Once you’re ready, we’ll be too!